Reading the short story “recitatif” I found a couple quotes that show how the relationship between Twyla and Roberta is frenemy-like. As kids, Roberta and Twyla got along because they were the outcasts- the only ones in the orphanage whose parents hadn’t died, but just didn’t want their kids. Sharing this same experience and the feelings that come along with it, they bonded and became friends. But as they grew up, they grew apart and began to have more problems. On one occurrence when they met, there was a lot of hostility between them that led to confrontation. During this, Roberta said, “Maybe I am different now, Twyla. But you’re not. You’re the same little state kid who kicked a poor black lady when she was down on the ground. You kicked a black lady and have the nerve to call me a bigot.” This quote shows how their friendship is unstable and how there is still some resentment built up after many years.

On another occasion that they met, it was a much more positive experience. “We both giggled. Really giggled. Suddenly, in just a pulse beat, twenty years disappeared and all of it came rushing back...We sat in a booth by the window and fell into recollection like veterans.” This encounter further develops the complexity of their relationship. In a way, this shows how strong their friendship is. Even though they have had years of hostility and strong dislike towards each other, it felt like it did when they were children again, despite all that has happened. These two quotes seem very different because the first one supports the “enemy” part of their frenemy relationship, and the second quote supports the “friend” part. These quotes are similar because they are both developing the complexity of their frenemy relationship.


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