When I was asked to imagine a place that made me feel peaceful, a distinct memory from my childhood came to mind-- a cool autumn day spent at my grandparents' house. As a child, I spent one night every weekend at their house. Looking back, those are some of my fondest memories. My grandma and I used to get a blanket and put it outside on the soft, viridescent grass. We would sit under the big oak tree, shaded from the warm sun, feeling the cool breeze against our skin.
I would lay back on the blanket, looking at the outline of the leaves and branches above me, glowing from the golden light of the sun. In the distance, I would hear the faint laughter of my younger sister playing on the swing, not having a care in the world. The smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies wafted through the air, floating out through the open kitchen window. 
Sitting on the blanket, I talked to my grandma as I watched my grandpa in the distance  water the vegetables in his garden-- cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, and carrots.
Thinking about this place brings me so much peace. It’s such a nostalgic feeling--the comfort of childhood and having no responsibilities or worries. Childhood memories help make you who you are, they carve your soul and made me who I am today.
My grandparents had a huge impact on my life that I will forever be grateful for. My grandma has such a witty sense of humor, and always had such an immense amount of love for us. And my grandpa is, quite possibly, the kindest soul that I have ever met. And growing up, they spent so much time with my sister and I. I feel such a warm glow of nostalgia thinking back to the times I spent with them. From decorating the tree on Christmas and spending every Christmas Eve with them, going to museums and amusement parks, to simply sitting outside on a blanket on a cool day-- these are memories that I will always be very fond of. 


  1. Awww this is so cute. Throughout the blog post you use such descriptive words that make me feel like I was there.

  2. Your grandparents' house sounds like an amazing place! I hope you are still able to go visit them sometimes, it seems like spending time there would be a really good stress reliever. Grandparents are the best.


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